
ACDS Australian Clinical Dosimetry Service

By Fangtai Dong
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Published on
3 Months
Front-end Developer
Graduation project
JavaScript, ElementUI, VueJS ...
Control Panel Dashboard
Control Panel Dashboard
Control Panel Dashboard
Control Panel Dashboard
Calculation Dashboard
Calculation Dashboard


For demonstration purposes only, because of the security data confidentiality agreement, all data in the Github repository is simulated data.

This project is in collaboration with the Australian Clinical Dosimetry Service (ACDS), an organisation responsible for checking, testing, and verifying ionizing radiation therapy and treatment machines across Australia and New Zealand. The ACDS conducts audit on treatment machines to check that the radiation dose patients receive for their cancer treatment is within an acceptable margin. They provide clinics with an official report whether they can continue to use the treatment machines to treat patients. This project will be dealing with audits on low-energy ionizing machines (VIOLET – Voltage Integration Over Low Energy Therapy) that are used to treat mainly skin cancers, see their website for more details. Each audit generates some data which is currently stored in two working Excel spreadsheets. One spreadsheet is used to collect data during the audit at a specific clinic. Once the audit is complete, this data is added to the second spreadsheet so that all the data from all past audits are in one place. The aggregated data is used for further comparative analysis and calculating results.


The goal of this project is to create and design a software application, with a database, to manage and calculate the physics data obtained for radiotherapy audits performed by the Australian Clinical Dosimetry Service (ACDS) i.e., to convert the Excel spreadsheet into a software application and database where the inputs from the facilities are stored securely on a database, the background calculations and interpolations that are essential for the audit inputs are “hidden” from the user, and a user interface allows the user to input measurements and record experimental data during audits. With this software application, audit information can be more efficiently managed, and with the audit results stored in one place, i.e., the database server, analysis can be performed more effectively, potentially increasing productivity.

Current status

  • 28/03/2022 - The team has finished the most of the requirement gathering, the development has begun.
  • 30/04/2022 - The planned nightly release. Current nightly release comes with all major functionalities, and without any security features.
  • 30/05/2022 - The planned stable release. All major functionalities will be tested, and security will be enhanced.
  • 15/06/2022 - Review and release of documentation.
  • Project Done !!!


  • Docker
  • Node.js
  • JDK8
  • Maven

Folder Structure

|-- docs // Document files transfered from confluence, trello or other resources from the Development team

|-- scr // Code resources folder

|-- tests // Tests code resources folder

|-- ui // User interface designs with different version

Git Workflow

The workflow is simplified compare to mid-large scale project. There are mainly 4 types of branches:

  1. Master: The stable release.
  2. Dev: The development branch, which holds nightly release, it will become stable when the code is reviewed and thoroughly tested.
  3. Feature: The feature branch(es), each feature branch should be spawned from the latest dev branch. The naming should be "{feature_name}-feature".
  4. Test: The branches for testing purpose, there will be unit + integration testing in this project. For the unit testing, the naming should be "{feature_name}-feature-test". For the integration testing, the naming should be "Dev-test". Each testing branch will be finally merged with the corresponding feature/dev branch.
Git Workflow
Git Workflow


Thanks to ACDS and The University of Melbourne for this engaging project.

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